How To Know If Your Dog Is Happy

Happy Golden

Determining whether a dog is happy requires observing their behavior, body language, and overall well-being. While dogs can’t communicate verbally like humans, they express their emotions through various non-verbal cues. Here are some signs that can indicate a happy dog: Body language: A wagging tail, loose and relaxed body posture, and playful movements are often…

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Introducing Cats to a New Home: A Guide to Harmonious Coexistence

Holding Cat In Chair

Bringing a new cat into your home can be an exciting experience. However, introducing cats to each other and to their new environment requires patience, planning, and a gentle approach. Whether you’re bringing a new cat into a home with existing pets or introducing a single feline to your household, a carefully managed introduction is…

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Growling Dogs: Dos and Don’ts for a Safer Encounter

Unhappy Dog

Encountering a growling dog can be a frightening experience for anyone, whether you’re a dog owner or not. Growling is a natural way for dogs to communicate their discomfort, fear, or aggression. As responsible individuals, it’s crucial to know how to handle such situations to prevent potential harm to both humans and dogs. In this…

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The Canine Language

Bulldog With Head Turned

Have you ever wished your dog could talk to you?  I’m sure, like millions of others, myself included, you have.  Well, I have good news for you, dogs do “talk” to us, and they do it a lot.  There are 2 forms of communication, verbal and non-verbal.  We are constantly communicating to our dogs, whether…

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A Comprehensive Guide to Household Toxins for Dogs

Dog Laying By Chocolate

As responsible pet owners, our furry companions’ well-being is our top priority. While dogs have a curious nature, it’s essential to be aware of the household toxins that can pose a serious threat to their health. Join us as we explore some common household items that can be hazardous to our beloved pets and learn…

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Quality of Life Assessment

Sick Cat

When your beloved furry family member has fallen ill with conditions like cancer, severe arthritis or heart disease, it can be hard to tell whether they are still enjoying life. Do they miss playing Frisbee, or are they happy just lying on the couch in the sunshine? What is going through their minds when they…

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Obesity In Dogs

Obese Dog

Obesity in dogs is a significant health concern that has been on the rise in recent years. In fact, half of my canine patients are either overweight or obese.  Just like humans, dogs can become overweight or obese due to various factors, including overeating, lack of exercise, genetic predisposition, and certain medical conditions. Obesity can…

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Food Allergies

Dog Eating From Stainless Bowl

Food allergies can be a very frustrating medical issue for pet parents and veterinarians. Lengthy discussions, food trials, strict pet parent compliance, and lots of patience are needed for a successful outcome. Integrating telehealth into food allergy management can be an incredibly valuable service for pet parents and veterinary staff. Frequently monitoring patient symptoms and…

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Dog Sniffing Poop

Oh, you want the full package of doggy shenanigans when it comes to poop eating, huh? Alright, hold on tight ’cause we’re diving into the causes of coprophagia – the fancy term for poop-eating! Oh, yes, I’m going there! Listen up, folks, if your dog has been treating her own poo like gourmet cuisine, there…

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